this day too will end with nothing for us to keep and I'll miss you my friend wherever this road may lead
and I'll remember all of you long after when we'll have to leave for there's a part of you here too here inside with my heart-beat
and I'll keep you from leavin' when the clock tells me I'm too old for you made me smile when I was weepin' in your arms I found the warmth from cold
and I remember all those times when I was dreamin' of your face you'll always have a part in me and nobody can take your place
I'll speak to you in our memories and all the beauty that you bear I know it's going to hurt eventually but I won't change a thing we shared
and I'll always be just a dream away from being with you as we were before I hope it wasn't like this and we could stay I'll miss us when we won't be here no more