We are The No Boys Club At least until New York Or Greece Or Italy I'm waiting for Colorado Or Scotland But we're both too hopeless To wait
Aerrow and I we're the "Oh **** I didn't do my APUSH work' The "I Donts Gots This" Founders We're all about "boys are gross" "Boys have cooties!" And "rainbows" on shoulders
Nothing is yuckier than all The people at school And they are kinda sorta slutty Or ******* But we don't mind because it's easy To tease
We are broken and hilarious With our refined cowcaine We are philosophical But that's mostly due to sleep deprivation We are always exhausted And procrastinating We are full of ******* and a lack Of commitment to ourselves
We don't quite understand What the difference between loving And hating school is But we do understand That boys aren't worth our time Yet we still go for the pain And hold each other up
We are "don't touch that" "I'm a lick you!' "Ewie COOTIES" And "Hey, it's okay: you gots this"
It's Aerrow and I Against most of the world **** near five years strong In an unbreakable friendship