Why must all this suffering be? Do You have reasons we cannot see? Why is so much evil allowed to stand? We really struggle how to understand The tragedies continue to unfold Life spins out of control Worlds crumble like a figurine shattering every hope and dream ripping away carefully constructed façade Innocent suffers again and again Evil seems to always win Carrying out their disgusting whims You send sunshine over their days Shadowed ours in torrential rain is there a purpose, or just chaos and pain? ..But… through this raging storm I'm holding to promises You've sworn Clinging to the sovereign goodness of God While traversing this treacherous sod trust You know what’s best waiting for the Day of Rest the coming promised Jubilee when the captives will be set free bringing true justice and all is made right faith will finally made sight Not my plans but Your glory. It’s not about me, but Your story