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Feb 2017
You & I exist
In colourful hues
Pink trickles in
With each tender kiss
Magenta blushes
As desires rise
From atop the peak
Ruby red soars in
To a sea of utter bliss

Orange beckons a shift
As we linger longer
between white's sheets
And hunger's strike ends
Yellow steps in
With a cheerful grin
To give approval
To our playful

The depths of blue
take hold
as trust surrounds
us both
Purple sets the stage
For romance to swoon
While mystery and magic
Create our afternoon

Green is the monster
Who rears his ugly head
In the grips of an argument
We take jealousy to bed
Attacking with fear
As black feeds off green
So love can't intervene

But alas, not all
Has faded away
As pink trickles in
With a tender kiss
And in colourful hues
you and I still exist
Melissa Rose
Written by
Melissa Rose  48/F/Canada
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