"He came to us with the brightest brown eyes. Cuddled in Mom's arms never thinking ever of early goodbye's. Living much of a sheltered life learning dad's trade. A table he once made that brought him much praise. His town was as small as the bucket of water he would get from the well. Knowing at a young age he had bigger plans, with so much more to tell. A Jewish boy with an ambition of traveling the land. His time had come to leave home to become a man. Footstep after footstep took him on a journey that pleased him well. People listened to his words of hope taking their lives out of dispel. The word went out across many villages that a man was lifting up hearts, and souls. A man they called Jesus. Making their lives whole. Miracles were performed, along with many storms. So many followers, yet so much doubt. I knew this was to happen. He knew not to put up a fight. Torture came upon him, keeling over, then stood up for more. Moments later, sentenced to death, and placing a crown of thorns on his head. You all know the ending. My Son died for all your sins. As your Heavenly Father i ask only one favor. Please become Born Again."
Signed: The Holy Spirit!!!! Why? Because God gets all The Glory!!!!! Michael.....