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Feb 2017
There was a time when our love could breathe and it all felt good that we have long since abandoned, and now as I watch what little that remains be choked by smoke and swallowed by flames in the back seat of my broke down sedan, all I can think of as I smile and laugh is that I'll never get to see any of it again
So the other day my car broke down and burst into flames. Thankfully nobody was hurt but the car was completely destroyed and in the back seat I had most of my notebooks that I've used for poetry/songs/etc over the years ever since I started writing, along with a bunch of personal keepsakes from a person who's caused me a lot of hurt that that I've been struggling to let go of, so i'm trying to use the fact that it was all lost to the flames as a way to start fresh and move past my recent troubles.
Written by
AK93  24/M/United States
(24/M/United States)   
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