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Jan 2017
She takes off her top
to reveal her undershirt
to show off the scars,
flee bites,
and other red parts.

But there is something else
that cuts her deeper then
those bites and scratches.

She cries, and each tear
each sobbing breath
that stretches itself
is just an etching of
the lack of love
and the presence of
more tangible pains.

So tiny this tender spark
almost breaks my heart.
Dark hair spreads
down her face to her neck
brushing her tiny lips
and falling to her breast.

Teenage girl
crushed and uncertain
if the hurting she experiences
will ever find its end.

So like hash tags
and youtube video
her loneliness becomes
a trend.

She tries to sings.
She tries to write.
She tries to draw.
She tries to dance.

She lets some stranger
take her out at night
not on a date but to find the light
of some long dead guy,
cause she only relates to the dead
and anime characters in her head,
not the people who
cause her tears to soak through
past the sheets to the plastic mattress.

The gravel roads parts
splitting in the dark
of her macabre obsession.

She leans over the edge
of an invisible ledge.
Only her younger friend
can pull her back in
safely out of the wind
that was beating
down on both of them.

She is halfway between
today and yesterday
reigning in the rain that
longs to drown her
pulling her farther back
into the empty black.
Written by
Graff1980  43/M/Springfield Illinois
(43/M/Springfield Illinois)   
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