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Jan 2017
I am the cat who meows to be loved
I am the fish who swims in the warmest of waters
I am the bird who sores through the sky
I am the snake who slithers on the ground
I am the monkey who swings through trees
I am the dragon who breaths fire
I am the horse who rides like a bullet
I am the Wind that speaks
I am the Earth that feels
I am the peasant who has nothing
I am the King who has all
I am the warrior who protects all
I am the angel who knows all
I am the demon who destroys all
I am the medicine that heals
I am the Moon that shines
I am the Sun that burns
I am the fossil that takes many forms and shapes
I am the dreamer who never wakes
Written by
Holic  25/Cisgender Female
(25/Cisgender Female)   
   Sajini Israel
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