one side polished smoothly; the tumbling years, the pain of tears, in currents swift cannot resist them water’s unyielding flow; to pain the edges falling, yielding slow.
yet another side exists; a side so deeply etched, with thoughts contrived for sole survival; where words belie a depth in soul's arrival; made whole, a step removed from hope bereft, for in the naked light, of bleating heart's interrogation room, a bottom lies of darkest night... here beginnings of a ressurection, a will to be so long as there is air to breathe!
which side they see is of his choosing; his composure rich a brief exposure is, just the smallest glimpse, but for a moment what he shares. for he has learned that rocks are not so hard as he once thought; and fissures deep, can be revealed, as cracked and broken, if to all in this unfeeling world, he bares his truest soul. and so he hides the other side, unyielded to outside control.
with certainty, his stone has two faces.
*post script.
if we are honest with ourselves, do we not all have two faces? and is not this honesty our impetus... become our empathy... for others? for me, it is this honesty that allows me to love what i would not otherwise love in others.