It started with a devious question And the answer was clear To all But a curious faction Fueled by fear, With the means to concoct An Orwellian plot That rendered hate normal, Like bible study.
Let the Right say, 'Amen'.
"She should be in jail," said A lady in the deli With a red cap And matching tee.
Her eyes spewed fire; Mine stayed on the menu. Bypassing the bologna, I ordered turkey on rye, To Go.
I had a revolution to catch. One I'd missed like the polls On Election Eve.
Dylan shot nine, Dead. Sparing one to spread the news And start a race riot Before Obama takes away our guns.
Then Vladimir bombed A city Gary didn't know But no one asked Don.
"I like you," said one tyrant To another. "But I despise Fidel, CNN and ObamaCare. They are all dead to me."
We heard the lie. Of the grand Muslim celebration in Jersey After the towers fell.
And a million more. Yet the tide of deaf ears kept growing, Engulfing US in a tsunami Of *****-grabbing misogyny That made Bill blush And gave Hill another shocking traumatic defeat.
Women from Times Square To Tokyo rained on his parade And a speech spawned in 7th grade Earned an A on FOX And a wet sticker Everywhere else.