Most of the poems I've written Are experiences I never had Some are things that I want to happen Others are things that happened when I was sad
But lately I've been thinking That you fit my poems very well Each and every word of my writing Reminds me of a story that older folks tell
That when I find the one The one who will own my heart They'll make me feel whole and one Not tear my own little heart apart
But what the others never told Was that the stories aren't easy That maybe we will only see each other when we're old Or that we'll be far apart, on the opposite ends of the sea
But you and I know what this is We both know what's at stake We'll both endure till the end of this Because we both know none of this is fake
People might say we're only children Or that it might not even be what we thought it'd be But I know that you'll turn the other cheek, that you'll never listen Because I know that what I feel for you is just as strong as your feelings for me
June 02, 2016 It's sad to know you he made me think he'll stay with me Specially now that I see him happy without me, for whatever reason it may be