This is for my secret fan the one out there that has Read everything I ever wrote that sits never liking but I Know she is there, smiling and wishing she could to show me But she is there no matter what
I know life has been an uphill battle for you, but God reserves These for his greatest believers I know you’ve had tremendous Heartbreak but it will get better though it’s not now it will happen
You are going to find that perfect someone who banishes Eeyore from The list of personalities. That person is going to make you the a Queen But not the Queen Of Fixing Hearts but still a queen, He’s going to make You happier than ever possible, who’s going to love you no matter what flaws You think you may have
Until you find him, pull on the strengh of your friends, God and my poems. Take a deep breathe Day in and day out put on your biggest smile and show the world you are the Bear I know you are, Because you will find that person one day and he will make you a **Queen