kisses that fit together so perfectly you had me thinking heaven must've sent you, fingers intertwining so effortlessly i realised that the storms inside my body were the only natural disasters standing between us, embraces lasting so long i forgot you weren't my home because ******* if you felt like a shelter
but the naivety of passion and the false truths of *** have left me a long time ago and i've come to notice that the storms within me only rage more to coincide with the things getting in between us, even the best anchorman would tell you they were unavoidable when he, merely a body, pushed her away enough to produce a tsunami that kept beating, and beating, and beating her down
maybe i don't want to face the truth because i keep convincing myself that i'm not drowning but whether it's the water filling up from within me to match that hitting me or the fact that my clothes were never prepared to weather this storm doesn't matter because somewhere deep down i know the only protection i need isn't here right now
i should have known you were just a body, a living, breathing organism; i guess it's my fault i tried to make you superhuman