Determining one's self worth... Is that really important? Humans are seen as a pest to Nature And as such pests to one another. Is it really important? To determine such a thing as one's usefulness And one's importance?
Will it satiate the hunger of one's soul? Or are you just desperately absorbing Whatever threads that lay surrounding you? Do you also know that these threads don't all pull you out? That some of these threads are detached or will only pull you deeper? You'll be asking why, but instead Find yourself ****** into a vacuum Suffocating soundlessly Your screams vibrating against your skull The very air no longer provided to you On the brink of death But... you cannot see a thing...
Open your eyes to the air you breathe, Open your ears to the sounds we see, Open your mind to the winds that cross the sky, Reach out and feel the raw need to vie, Not for money or for power, Not for unrequited feelings, Not for what will not return, But for...