you who are beauty stolen from the moon’s mansion a dress the color of coral
to hold one close is to burn with longing while your duty is calling you away
so remember that all my arrows are broken and you are the compass that leads men to freedom
believe in tigers for their smile is wider than two elephants kissing
almost a minute has passed yet without the raft of god no man can ever return to land
the shore is lonely without your heart so hurry and lift up the rocks that have fallen
remember that once bitten by this mosquito a mountain will grow from your soul’s exhalation and reach the sun by morning’s official dawning
give way to the peaceful blessing or sing me to sleep while i am expecting dreams to caress me and utter my name in your dizzying voice music is the throats way of filling itself with joy
loops from your ear sting like the water on a cold pacific beach I jump from those cliffs into rivers of speech
instant release is ready for you if you are willing to help yourself to a second serving of madness
relatives drift like targets before your eyes treat them like savages and voice savage longing for kindness and lightning bugs to carry while you were left waiting in the days before we knew each other’s eyes