Kaincha tok normal, ever sangle wunnaya? Omina tellya diss. Nuthin lie kat is good. Alla us oiz tok English good allatime Ever day uhda world in mah neighborhood.
Us is sum, y’know, good tokken people. Yeah, ain’t nobuddy speaks good lie cuss. Lessen there from round here, ah mean. We got eddycated good, no muss, no fuss.
We don’t need no college, no way Jose. We gunna do jess lock are parents did. We go to school every day till eitghteen Jess lock dey did win dey was a kid.
Ever now and then, you can get ahold Of sum buddy whose totally iggnent. They stick there noses up in thuh air. They think there better, sumthin differnt.
But really, it’s just a mute point, I mean Irregardless of whut they bin sayin’ They jess turn stuff round 360 degrees. It’s jess a nother word game there playin’.
Thuh important thang is to be understood Not that thuh people say everthang rite. The important stuff to tok about is To know whut is wrong and whut is rite.