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Eric Martin
Dec 2016
My Stupid Dead Dogs
Ignorance is bliss
Thats what some say
But after watching true ignorance
You may feel the other way
This is a true story
It happened while I was young
It was about my puppy
But it didn't take away how much it stung
My family had a dog
Rocky was his name
But one day we got a new puppy named Jamie
And soon they were playing games
Rocky was getting old
My parents said to heaven it would be said
It made my older brother cry
But I didn't know what it really meant
I loved both of my dogs
We had a pretty good bond
But they could speak a language
That only they could respond
When day I came come home
To find rocky wandering around like he was blind
My parents called the vet on the phone
and left me and Jamie behind
That night i had felt some thing
That I had never felt before
I finally understood why people were crying
But Jamie just waited at the door
Ever single day
At the door she would stand
I tried to explain it every way
But she just would not understand
Imaging waiting for a friend
One who would never come back
Never knowing it was the end
And having your heart stay cracked
I think it was all that heart break
And all the fearing
That gave her cancer
Because she wanted the end to be nearing
It was sad to watch
Having her go through so much pain
It felt even sadder
Knowing Rocky went through the same
Soon they came to pet her to Down
My brother held my hand
But in fear Jamie looked around
She did not under stand
It must have bin frighting
What a way to go
To feel your muscles tithing
But still having one thing you needed to know
If only some one could tell her what we all said
You will never ever again see your friend
And soon you will be dead
There is no more to the story
Nothing left I have to say
But I would rather die knowing
Then ever having to die that way
Written by
Eric Martin
Lesiba Hexon Mphahlele
Lady RF - Rosalie Fayad
Eric Martin
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