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Dec 2016
Nobody warned me
That the feel of your body
Warm, curled into the hollow of mine
Would remain forever imprinted
On my skin
The smell of your hair
Splayed across the pillow
Forever lingering in my nostrils
The taste of your lips
Eager and restless against mine
Forever on my tongue

Two bodies
Both caught in the irresistible pull
Of a slowly quickening rhythm
A rising desire to strip away
Every bit of space that separated them
The rhythm eventually fading to stillness
Leaving only soft you, warm you
Your curves fitted to mine
Like the other half of a matching set

I wash you out of my mouth, my skin
And the dust gathers
Time passes, sensations fade
But all it takes is a single word
To trigger a memory
That sweeps the dust aside
Stunned, I stare at the lines of ink
Etched into my skin
A map of each place
Where your hands, your body met mine
The feel, the smell, the taste of you
Suddenly fresh again in my mind
And I ache for the warmth that was
Just because you can't go back to something, doesn't mean you won't miss it
Devon Leonel
Written by
Devon Leonel
   bones, Lady Ravenhill and Eric Martin
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