The orange sky paints her with fierce peace As imperfect and lovely as her ***** and wiry hair in the wind Marked and pale skin reflectance of the pink sky hues Alone she sits On the edge of the bridge A bottle in her hand A smile as conflicted as an eclipse She watches as the sun reaches mid point, An eternal equinox that lasts only a moment Her eyes neither green nor brown A beautiful muddied mess Her clothes are torn but fitting Her hands are fiddling aimless As she basks in independence and utter loneliness And for a moment, she understands the world She understands life, the galaxy, the earth She feels her imperfections but her utter love for herself And for a moment nothing hurts And all as well Then the sun continues to move, And time resumes Another sip out of the bottle Another bittersweet smile and happiness mottled But she knows what she knows Has felt what she has felt Looking at dawn or dusk She looks at herself Rising and falling, In a beauty of furious colors Bright and burning, Ending and beginning, Sunrise and Sunset girl When do you know if you are winning?