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Nov 2016
I lay in bed listening to the rain
Falling against my windowpane
Soothing but still I cannot sleep
All I can do is think and weep

I wonder when did I get like this
Constantly thinking of those I miss
Worrying about how I’ll end up
Draining the coffee from my cup

It’s 2 AM now I think think think
Further into myself I sink sink sink
My bed is cold and filled with tears
I Feel like I’ve been awake for years

Insomnia has gotten the best of me
My eyes are open, but I barley see
The world is fuzzy through my eyes
Each night another piece of me dies
Victoria Ruth
Written by
Victoria Ruth  Dark Paradise
(Dark Paradise)   
         Lyn Senz 2, ---, Inkveined, ---, scarlet-and-gold and 18 others
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