I am weary but I cannot cease my toil I have wasted enough time on frivolous pursuits Yet they are my only respite from the world placed upon my shoulders The dark softness of the night sky beckons me away from my work and wakefulness But I cannot cease! I cannot rest, no matter the personal cost! For the consequence of my failing shall be a much higher toll! My future in turmoil My family flummoxed The joy of my life leeched away by ghoulish specters I cannot fight off, only bow before And I want it all to end--yet I wish to live my dreams and fulfill my hopes! Woe be to the laborer who serves the demands of those they love! No rest seems unselfish, no indulgence is guiltless, the self is stripped away to become a slave of the labors of love! O sleepless rest! O restless sleep! How I long for the simpler days of childhood! How I long for the sweet sleep of the innocent, to which I can never return! Woe be to the weary soul!