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Nov 2016
There are secrets that we never even give voice to,
Like squishing them inside ourselves will make them go away.
But, they don't need lyrics to have their own voice
-even instrumental pieces carry feeling-
And the music escapes when I open my mouth.
It tumbles out like a discordant symphony,
And I can't take it back.
I try, but I can't,
So, I stumble over the wreckage my silence has wrought,
Still denying the secret all the time.

*Maybe you know, now.
Regardless, consider this my confession.
Part 1 of the "I Fall from Elegance and Land with a Thud" series.
Mica Kluge
Written by
Mica Kluge  25/F/Appalachia
     Mica Kluge, joel hansen, wichitarick, ---, NV and 4 others
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