My list of goodbyes for this year Have been extensive and excruciating
I've lost more than I've gained
Every goodbye was difficult Tearing at the hem of my humanity My sanity
I've lost more than I've gained
I feel so much older and harder Yet none the wiser Just More broken
I feel I like I've lost
Every goodbye is etched into the crevice Of my ever in creasing in stone hardening heart
And yet it weeps for what it refuses to let go
Ive lost
To caramel and bunny, my two beloved cats. You are missed more than you know. To my favourite car, Josephine, the memories will live on, even though you don't. To my sister, I pray every for change. To my ex, I pray for you for everything. To my temporary dwelling, I wish you felt like home... Right now I can't pray for me...