There's stuff parents will never know, The kicks and blows we all endure To mind, body, spirit and soul. The run-ins with society, With the good and the Just for me. Children should never ever know Half the stuff they should never know. The other half I won't tell, Like the half my kids won't share as well.
Who else knows the stuff I've done, Alone or with the chosen ones, Who shared memories with me. One has died, One has forgot, One was always on the spot, But now stolen from memory's vault: My recall is true and false, But the memory now is real, None here to make appeals.
He knew all of my youth and teens, Knew my life and all my moves, My families, old and new; But his memory is fading too. It's not forgotten, It can't be retrieved; It's lost and can't be found. These memories now are treasures, Forever buried underground.