What is Love? Can you see it? Is it an action? Can you sense it? Is it a Compassion? Could it be A warm kindness that soothes the soul's satisfaction. Or It could even be Intensely deep feelings of affection? Is it Adoration? And Must it be taken in moderation. Is it just a sensation from one heart to another to Place in. Or idolization of infatuation? Maybe just a fragment of attachment. Upon a moment's first glance, does it becomes a chance for romance that makes heart wanna flutter about and dance. Love is a ministry Its covers a multitude of iniquity. Love has the ability to care unconditionally. Love lives inside each one of us, you and Me. For God is love and Love is God. Love conquers all against every odd. We are suppose to Love and serve one another. So spread to your sister and your brother. Love is the only way to stop hate. Let hate evacuate So you can allow the love Of The most high permeate.