With the piquant poignancy of lurid allusion I create a dynamically progressive matrix of collusion Whose apex crux axis is beyond finite solution And the endergonicaly adhesive pragmatics imbue a cohesively coercive illusion
For the inveterate hypotaxis of livid elusions I portray a protensive conjunction of latent confusions Whose effervescent effluence is vagile laconic effusions And the sardonic impending preponderance conveys sabbat consortium delusions
From the endemic puissance of eclectic synectics I derive a dialectically semantic sorcery of syntactics Whose apothegm aphorisms are levity terse synaptics And the lucidly collusive illuminism educes the aesthetics of geomancy's fatidic
Through the viable salience of kithe’s intrinsics I exude a portentous pervasion acuity of linguistics Whose apomixis anabolics are irrefragably felicitous orotund acoustics And the aural auspice austerities infer axioms of manumission’s eidetics
By the hypercritical mitigations of anachronistic sociology I purvey rampart ransack oblations of epistemology Whose azure opulence articulations are futurity ostensive ontology And the evolutional ontogeny metamorphisms incur a homogeny epiphany deontology
Zoomorphic Zoolatry's social contiguities to demagoguery, plenary plenipotentiary.