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Oct 2016
Today I had to let you go
Though it broke my heart to do it
I loved you then and will forever
I hope to God you knew it

The look in your eyes as we said goodbye
Said just how much you loved me
Still the moment you left won't go away
It will forever haunt me

I know it was right to let you go
There was no other way
I held you close and softly cried
Still wishing  you could have stayed

I know that there will come a day
When we're once again together
We will never part again
This time it will be forever
In memory of my dog Brody.  We had to let her go and my heart is in pieces.  She leaves such a hole in our family.  I hope it's true that all dogs go to heaven.....hope I see her there some day.
Laura Duran
Written by
Laura Duran  41/F/Texas
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