I was walking on a Leaf covered path The oranges Yellows And browns Of fall carpeting The fractured asphalt
My dad walked beside Me with the hounds
"It smells so good Everything is just Starting to decay"
The oddly sweet Perfume of a Dying forest is Lovely
He told me That his wife's Ex husband's Wife had Shot herself During her Lunch break
He came home And found her There by herself Much like she had Been for a long Time
"Jesus" I said "That's awful No one deserves To find that"
My dad looked Out at the massive Flock of floating geese On the reservoir Honking loudly At one another As the setting sun Painted a golden Streak through the Water
"Dying is bad Enough" He said "To self inflict It is doubly Worse"
I agreed with The doubly Worse part
Maybe dying Isn't that bad The leaves don't Sob or scream As they rot and Fall to blanket The ground
I'd like to think She didn't either
I know that The trees don't Mourn their Lost leaves And I know They won't cry For me