Late at night when I shut my door In the dark I sprint across the floor And jump headlong into my bed And when I close that horrible hideous,stinky door I shut my eyes super tight(yeah you're right-its mostly out pure fright) Because I throw the blankets way up over my head and I hide and lay still like the dead Praying my prayer that what hides in the deep,dark shadows at night and makes me shake with fright-wont come for me on this of all nights That the monster has not yet figured out I'm in this room I lay like it's my tomb All alone in my gloom and doom I've heard it's nails drag across the rug God! It smells of all the foul beasts that dance in the fires of hell I swear it lets me have no rest Till the rays of sun begin to break in the East and spread West This foul beast will not leave me alone Lets me not have one single bit of peace It's a battle of sheer survival- Until daylight makes its blessed arrival