Audacity I have always loved that word It conjures up in my mind An image of something outrageous Something bold and therefore something beautiful.
"au-da-ci-tee" I have always loved the sound, the tone and the beat of that word
It peps me up to rebel against the norm to ask awkward questions to challenge we-know-it-alls! to throw off all my guards to smell some freshness of air to give a **** for what 'they' might think to enjoy and relish the cool of my own confidence
And the very best thing about being audacious is that look on 'their' faces When 'they' get the first taste of my audacity.
Oh ! don't I love that look on 'those' faces the jaws dropping the eyebrows raising the faces frowning the lips curving to form a crooked smile
All in a state of shock of seeing the order of the day the business as usual ruffle, shake and dwindle and most of all of seeing me have (also) the au-da-ci-tee to enjoy and love it all !!!