We had an energetic exchange and his energy has intertwined with my own and his children have sunken into my skin and his lips are imprinted on my own. I feel as if I have to discard myself in order to discard him from me. We made art with our bodies and I can't tell you how artistic it was that he curves gently to the left and his hands felt as if they were made only to grab my throat. I loved every inch of his body and I have it memorized so well I could sketch it out. He was art to me. In every kiss was a song; in every goodbye, a melancholy tear. At night, I can remember the way his chaliced hands traced my figure and how comforted I felt when his muscular arms hugged my limbs. I can still taste him and it's a taste that even Burnett's can rid me of. He was mine; every piece and square centimeter had my name on it, but just as quickly as we fell in love, my name was wiped clean by someone else.