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Sep 2016
Your wounds don't bleed.

With each ink stained word you are torn anew
Flesh, sinew, bone, all shredded under the assault
Of a thousand poisoned words
Made of 26 innocent letters

Your mouth doesn't scream.

Those lips are sewn shut by your inhibitions
Fear of standing out overrides that pain you've shut away
Maybe if you just relaxed your jaw
All that ache would fly from your bones

Your wounds don't bleed.

Instead it's your pen, bleeding black
As it scrawls across the paper, those poisoned words
You wield each of those letters as a sword
Carving into my skin

Your mouth does not scream.

Instead it's your eyes, cold and oh so sharp
Shooting looks my way, defiant, stabbing
As if you were the victim
And I the villain

My wounds bleed.
My mouth screams.
I am not as strong as you, my once upon a time
Please, if you ever loved me

Be gentle when you break my heart.
Written by
Rat  24/Non-binary/Portland, Oregon
(24/Non-binary/Portland, Oregon)   
   Doug Potter
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