I feel like I lost, You won. I was winning, What happened? I was finally in control, or was I? It's all a hoax, because I'm confused. I'm making everything up, everything does't have to be this confusing. It's me. I am the problem. The only way to fix that, is to have me go. Everyone would be better off, In the end at least. I know it, I'm sure.
I ask myself, Why did I write this poem? Do I actually feel this way? I shouldn't. But then why am I saying it? When I write poetry, It is my way to vent. My way to just let things out, I didn't know i had bottled up inside me. why is it always so sad? I make it to be that way, and I don't know why. I don't know how to stop either. It is something that helps me, but I don't know why. This time, writing poems doesn't seem to do the trick, Is this it? Am I finally worn enough to be broken to no repair? I guess my bio was right except for one thing. I am broken, but most wouldn't say in a good way.