When you had to go, I sorely regretted every word I didn't say, all the things I didn't do, the debt of gratitude I didn't pay.
The years have been long and trying and I miss you every day; still I don't have the answer to the question: "why couldn't you stay?"
When you left, I promised to achieve all our plans and dreams, come what may, and for the most part, I believe I've fulfilled the vow that I made.
But I always think about what things would've been like if you'd been here to guide me, spur me on, scold me or waylay all of my fears.
Then I realize that you are here in every dream I live or trial I get through for you taught me everything you could and you always said I was the best of you. So, really, I don't have to miss you every day, yet I know in my heart I'll always do.
*(c) emeraldine087
For my mom who was taken back by God on this day, 14 years ago...