It's a beautiful thing. We all desire it, We all search for it. Some find it with money, Some search for it through other people. We are all different in how we achieve our goals. What is important, is that happiness is received in the end. The end of what you ask? The end of the day, the conversation, the year, your life. We all get caught up in the busy world, and forget to take a step back. To enjoy the little things. The beauty of a sunrise, The music of the birds chirping, The dazzling sunlight in the water. Instead we think about work, about what others think of us, about the test next period, about the latest gossip. All of those things don't make us happy. We may think it does at first, but in reality, it's just a buffer. Something in the way of happiness, something causing us not to see, or hear, or think. So do this for me, take a step back, relax, breathe. Happiness will come, Everything will be okay. *I promise.