Life is a mixture of light and dark. Of death and life. And there is beauty in this. Can I find gratitude in this?
Can I be grateful for the dead places? Like autumn leaves falling to the earth. Into decay and death. Holding in their earth's tomb the promise of spring's new life? Just as the parts of me that must die, fall away to make way for new birth. For new life.
Autumn leaves are dying and falling. Falling and dying. While roses still bloom new life next to them. Death and life can coexist. And there is beauty in this.
Can I be grateful for the dark places, knowing that there is wisdom that only the dark can teach? Knowing that it is in the dark places that the Light of Christ becomes even more brilliant to me. So that in the dark is where I truly begin to see. Light. Wisdom. Love. Gratitude. Yes, there is beauty in this.
Life is a mixture of light and dark. Of death and life. There is beauty in this. And I can find gratitude. In. This.