It's not over <br>'s seriously not over <br> It's amazing how defiant we truly are <br> How we somehow manage to channel our inner stubbornness no matter the circumstance<br> No matter how ****** up of a situation we slowly drowns ourselves in<br> And we are the key to the future <br> The truth is we're nothing but a joke <br> We are supposed to be great all mighty being that achieve greatness in its purest form <br> Ones who are supposed to bring forth a new era of prosperity and tranquility <br> Yet...we can't even get pass killing one another for the hell of it <br> What greatness we turned out to be <br> Then we turn our backs chanting our hypocritical speeches <br> Saying we demand peace and equality <br> Completely ignoring the obvious solution <br> The world can't won't change unless we change ourselves<br> So let me end with this a question<br> Are you willing to change...<br> Or are you just that contempt with the failing reality?