[The definition found in "Dictionary.com" for this unique word states: ADJ. --"Existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresence.."]
This is how-my heart gleams brilliant and gold to shower you with love like this
a light like mine exists where We is it's hearts all over / I *heart U universe at the same time, "Jinx !" As close to a curse as it comes, except for the karats / kids too heavy to dangle - "Bling!"
But with you means Nothing to want when every head light could be an accident waiting to happen, like deer in head-lights Director yells "Cut" fade to white...out... "Frozen all at once snowball fights"
Music is ubiquitous the many places all at once ... inside my ears . you are breathing . there inside my heart, between my legs, the laughter so hard weeps tears of joyful Art Thou
Such sound is Love...
Wafting Out tongue out / thin wafer / emaciates my tongue into a dry bed of lake waiting for the fish to rain... So i had to swallow
This is symphony at the tip top / very up / Up One and only who made this moment made you swallow the body of guilt Down the gut and gullet / hard kicks getting some kicks Off the Quick... Listen (closely) (at the time) The heart is flesh of sacred jewel batteries my family too...
This is Symphony, not just yours or mine or there's something missing nothing to have to steal (Need'Em) we will enjoy all of it together so close the **** / deal...
Are you really listening. This is Symphony...
@ @ @
Like Milk Growing newborns suckle Needs to live and who knows... what his future needs of him to be "a Scmucker's" Big wig big kid Living the Fat life of never hungry watching others hunger ladies first mother ******* mammy glands swollen like the breast you newborn yesterdays suckle to stay alive Like Milk
Enrichment is Ubiquitous...
Let our Truthfulness Lancelot-honor / our weapons of be-knighted strengths against the swarm of lies out numbered weakened from hours hollow / of virtues heavy the shadow is blinding --corner-- one's fears:
the strings of puppet can be cut... and the weight of a good throwing stone to be thrown as weapon for many mini Davids a toy of boyhood let us go ward off Nosferatu / Boogeyman / Heavy Blind's sake For Goodness will Wake
For you light me up Your Love glows Ubiquitous A Star Sun Burst / Vector / Upside Downs All around and all at once at the same time
Such Luminosity is Love...
Light is Ubiquitous. Genuflect.
Amen to Love! Amen.
(We're all Dancing)(All)(at the same time) For you Art. Symphony.