Watching... The night enter a fresh new realm. The same day is cast in different hue... Vibrance in colours dissipate... Siphoned, consumed by the dark.
Watching... And feeling my presence blend into nothingness. This night reeks of blatant nonchalance. Careless shadows stretch and dance as I wrestle with my vision to determine mindless silhouettes.
Watching... The trailing taillights of nocturnal traffic. In my city that never sleeps. They simply disappear into the dark with each tick of the hand.
Watching... The half moon, eaten away by the void. Minutes elapse into eternity. And seconds beat hard upon my bastion of hope.
Watching...* The ground that lay quiet before me. This earth that bears my weight... This earth that has my shadow shackled to my feet... Offers nothing but quiet solace... Fighting to calm the storm in my head.