How can anything Be ever finished? In its way nonsensical That nothing’s final; Always subject to revision, change. You-name-it: Habit concrete, thought abstract - Changed and changing; Going on, evolving, processed. Discontented and/or vexed: A sign that’s fixed: You’re moving on, non-judge- or sentiment-al. Flexibly, You willingly Go with it. (As they say, ‘the flow’). Your poems your art, your language too.
Throughout your days, Through all your years - And losing fears you stay refreshed Because you know you ne’er diminish, Always sure you will replenish, be replenished. Squeamish never, Deeds and exploits never finished, Still you end this life light-hearted, Satisfied and fully furnished, That too, no doubt, never finished.
Never Finished – Always On The Way 8.28.2016 Definitely Didactic; Birth, Death & In Between II; Arlene Corwin