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Aug 2016
Once upon a time
Lived a princess of golden hair
Fancied by creatures of every clime
For she was but so fair

One day whilst in a wood
There came an angel of death
smilingly disguised in aΒ hood
Fervently craving her breath

Being in a deep slumber
She couldn't see this beast
For it thus marked a number
A death spell upon her wrist

Ding ****, castle bells rang
Slumbering she couldn't hear
Despite they were loudly bang
Soon the realm buzzed with fear

With a voice so hard and cold
Need her here! Roared the king
She's but more precious than gold
Said the queen! Thus you must bring

There were blowing of horns
By huntsmen alongside trumpets
Accompanied by crying of hounds
But still she was as deaf as a puppet

She'll never hear! Said one witch
Despite how loud you ring the bell
You must be daft! Insolent *****
Cried the queen! you deserve in hell

She has a death spell thus haunted
whilst simpering yelled another witch
Dummy gorgon! She must be hunted
Cried the king! Thus dare not screech

Soon she was found laying on grass
With not a single bone of her broken
Though she was as pale as a glass*
For her breath had been taken*

Β©Kikodinho Alexandros
29th August 2016

Honestly, I thank a poet friend so dear to me "Stephanie Stoychevska" to have inspired such a colorful piece!
Tale of a princess who went missing and later found dead by the edge of a Moor despite for she still bore a smile upon her physiognomy as though in a sweet dream!!!
Kikodinho Edward Alexandros
Written by
Kikodinho Edward Alexandros  31/M/Los Angeles, California.
(31/M/Los Angeles, California.)   
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