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Aug 2016
What has come over me of late
The sound of falling footsteps behind
Sends all my senses on a strike
Leaving me with thunderous pounding of the heart
My mind then buzzes with thoughts and I go dizzy
Why this happens to me every now and then
Is this what you call love?

Why I nurse the aura of a beautiful dream
Why I see the Earth wearing new shades
Why I feel the wind whispering to me a new tale
Why I doubt if there is greater melody in the twitter of birds
Why do I feel this moment intoxicating
Never have I felt like this before
Is this what you call love?

Of late I run to the mirror more often
Am I becoming another Narcissus
Falling in love with my own image
Why do I become so choosy in my dress
Why do I look around to see if anyone has seen me smiling to myself
I wonder what has happened to me these days
Is this what you call love?

Why do I see stars on a bare night sky
Why I feel the night air indolently fragrant
Why sleep eludes me even at the wee hours of the night
Making me sit delirious by the window
Hoping to catch the glimpse of a shadow
Why this happens night after night
Is this what you call love?

Why my mind wanders like an unattended kite
I grow excited, I grow restless
I grow impatient with time
Sometimes anxiety grips me
I sink and rise in the ocean of my moods
There is a visible change in me
Is this what you call love?
Valsa George
Written by
Valsa George  India
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