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Aug 2016
The grinning dragon leers
with lascivious intent
it's all seeing eyes
take me in
from head
to toe
tasting me
grinding it's teeth
with just the sight of me
it wants to be fed

and in my trembling hands
i hold my sword
it lays heavy
pulling at my shoulders
but it's weight gives comfort
a credence
to the damage it will cause
to the salvation it will bring
a deathblow
with one strike
and the dragon's black heart
will be removed from it's chest
once and for all
of mankind

but it sees my fear
smells my vulnerability
as it licks at me
with it's black shining eyes
feeding from my disquiet

my back touches the door
the cold wood
is hard against my skin
but it keeps me standing

it was the last place
that he
my salvation
had touched
and still
that place
it burns through my back
giving courage
to my fearful heart

the dragon steps forward
flames licking
from it's flared nostrils
moving silently
it approaches

"We meet again Little Bear..
not so brave today
are we"

part 1
Little Bear
Written by
Little Bear
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