They call me no face, the one without a place. My emotions are hidden, there's not so much as a trace.
Blank slate, white face. You'll never know how I feel or even if that laugh was real.
This is not who I choose to be..I use to be a girl with a heart of gold, but now I'm just a ghost and the gold's turned to stone.
My smile stays in place but it doesn't reach my eyes, no matter how hard I try, it's drowned by the tears that I cry.
There's an ache in my chest that reminds me that I'm not the best, and for some reason I can get rid of the thoughts in my head that make me question if I should be alive or dead.
My heart spills to a blade on my hip and my brain with an ink tip.
I am constantly lost somewhere between depression and suicidal rage. Almost if my common sense was locked in a cage, gnawing at the edges of my brain but it's no use, my condition stays the same.
Blank slate, white face. You'll never know how I feel, behind a mask my emotions I do conceal.