Dented and newly used my heart is set on cruise Winning Grinning Never gonna give up because I refuse
My heart may be breaking but it is not the end Dealer count me back in I am on the mend I am on a comeback
I am done being afraid I am done being saved Do not need another setback I am on a comeback
I believe in who I am I'm better than I have been I am not down and out I have only just began
Thank you HP and fellow poets for this great honor!!! Sorry I am so late to the party but my 8 yr old boy hijacked my phone from me.
Dedicated to some HP poets out there who have recently made a comeback.Β Β Also when writing this I had another thought we have all had our heart broke (myself included) so I was writing with this thought in mind too because we all have made a comeback at some point in our lives.