A bright wake of snow Glimmering where The grey meets sky Forging and drifting, Mounds and side sweeps Banking against the tall Pillars of trees Pine and brisk peppermint Trickling with the frigid chill Tinkling wherein a sigh ascends slow And crunchcrunch More silent noise to follow Of hot, swirling breath And Rosemary cherry cheeks Curly blond hair and a pair of glasses Glinting like the moon basked in glory Her hands clutched Nimble fingers wrapped around something And with every step she took Golden light radiated from the coals Sheltered in her hands, Hovering over her chest The golden light rippled over the snow An array of grass and orchids sprung Wherever it willed And thus the snow began to melt, Taming the sublime spur of The frozen maiden of winter's felt The maiden of Spring puts forth The blossoms and rich sweet air The color of honey and petals which unfold Spring walks through the forest of else Where the cycles reroutes Of begin anew, of life and something else