Emperor patriarch enemy family encyclopedia room flamboyance and the minions of civilization bow creviced foreheads etched with hieroglyphic concentration pantomiming the harmony of banana splits dripping on fireplace slippers woven into the stories your neighbors greeted you with from the other side of the hedge
on the night the great comet arced into our living rooms and we kissed oh so TV-like with the laugh track clapping in time with the sprinklers cha cha change the diaper ditty after supper over done under the influence and in a fix me another martini extra olives the smell of negligence on her creamy pampered thighs and the aromatic evidence of lawn mower trim on her teddy bareness slipping away into comfort
the children wagering battle plans with a mouse clicking crayons left in box cars matched tickets scratched windows latched onto hobo toxic shock n awe to see abandominiums littering lots in crackopolis virtual and simulated between the in laws and the outlaws the grand apparentless routine on display
could I borrow a toaster or waffle with your wife over the last stick of butter backdoor banter about Soldier of fortune your last subscription to the mercenary position of the cul de sac coup d’état taking place in spinning class conscious of the fourth estate third world second generation first born zero down home subdivisions of the disenchanted evening news is on excuse
that the whole thing is fixed mortgages futures the lottery tuition and everybody wins army navy air force marines corpses floating cross culture reference guides to prescription medication of futile society Jonesing with the keeping ups and out of product till prime time reminds us why we’re all here