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Jul 2016
I was so ******* done
So **** exhausted
So I locked up my memories
In the sweet little chest
With golden filigree
And a burgundy base
A bit of raised embossing
And an engraving that read,
"Do not open,
For these are incapable of cherishment"
I set  it on the highest shelf
Of the unused linen closet
And I lit a candle
Placed it on the shelf beneath
And locked the door
I walked away for an hour or so
But the candle had died
So in my fit of anger
I ran to the furnace
I opened the door
And turned
Every thermostat in the house
Up to the highest point
And just for good measure
I lit a match
And placed it under the door
I went to sleep surrounded by flames
To my demise the firemen came
And when all that remained
Was that **** laughing box
They thought I might want to see
Because they opened the box
Unknowing of the horrors inside
And once again
Like an LSD addict
Knowing the trip might be bad
I threw another ******* match
Samm Marie
Written by
Samm Marie  22/F/Somewhere Between
(22/F/Somewhere Between)   
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