lucid insight.. I can tell you a lie : that world is a beautiful place Or I can tell you the truth : that the world is never going to be a beautiful place There are many possibilities yet only one answer Sometimes reality can be far more surreal than the fiction What place do we live in !? What time are we wasting every moment ? Is life short ? Or is it longer than we can ever imagine How big is this world , is it enough to fit in !? Do we have enough time to understand this place ? Do we really need to ? Questions just burst out from a corner and keep going on in an endless circle of nothingness Can we pass through the dimensions And touch the real being ? Or will we forever just stare into his eyes and wonder what it's like be in that place and time. A place beyond truths and lies A place of no possibilities or solutions A place untouched by the fiction and the reality. A place where everything can co-exist without failure. A cold and warm corner of our consciousness blooming into a thousand new directions every moment , so I can go on and tell you every truth and lie but its for you to decide what to believe and what you believe is what there is and shall be. There are no truths and lies.