Hunger Aches In the bottom of my stomach, And I'm cold sitting here Under a fan With a sweatshirt on And shorts. I could move, But there aren't a lot of places To be.
And I'm slightly dizzy Because the hunger is stronger than I thought, And wow at least I'm hungry, But it's a different type than I remember.
Hunger isn't so bad, No, it is not as bad as I remember Sitting in the cold of winter Wondering if maybe the next day Will bring shelter and food.
And I think and close my eyes And suddenly I'm still cold and hungry, But it's not cold as in I have ice in my veins, Rather a lack of heat That being I crave heat, And my hunger isn't exactly for food, Rather for the growling to stop And maybe hunger of the eyes is a thing, Because I want to see your eyes light up Which they do from time to time, And I want to see you laugh and smile and hear your voice And oh my God, The anticipation is killing me But it's a-okay I promise, Because I love having my hand held in yours And I'd (im)patiently wait lifetimes To feel our fingers interlock If I had to.